Streets of Istanbul

It does not have to be a fancy street, it can be any corner of the city, an anonymous street, a crowded one or an isolated one…

Istanbul will always charm you with its magical atmospheres!

There are no definitions for this city, it goes beyond any kind of expectations!

32 thoughts on “Streets of Istanbul

  1. Beautiful photos of such a lovely city. I read Orhan Pamuk’s ‘Istanbul: Memory and the city’ some years ago and found it fascinating. Lovely to see this up to date view of Istanbul.


  2. No I can guess about your summer. Never been to Istanbul, though I wrote a story around it. Most people I now who’ve been there seem to have fallen to its charm. 🙂


    1. These pictures have actually been taken in May but I am storing them little by little on this blog, because they were really a lot. By the way, yes, Istanbul is a very charming city indeed. How could you write about it without visiting it? I assume you have read a lot on this subject ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! (Not to compare myself to him, but Flaubert wrote one of the best novels about a woman though being a man…) A good friend of mine is an artist. She draws a sketch a day. Stayed in Istanbul for a while. And I became fascinated with her drawings of Istanbul. And slowly a story emerged around her drawings. That plus a good bit of research, and voilà. A story was born. Here’s the link for the first part if you’re interested:


      2. Thank you. Glad you liked it. Though I sometimes wonder about “imagination”. In reality, I feel as if the story comes to me. In bits and pieces. Sometimes it’s the title. In this the artist’s name is Tiffany. I thought: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Too easy. Breakfast in Istanbul… That’s better. Why is there a breakfast in Istanbul? And the story forms in my head. When it’s ready, I sit down to write. Thanks for reading. Here’s another, in the same vein.


      3. Actually it’s not “nothing”, that’s why I say the stories are there floating around. Sometimes it’s a word I hear. An image. Both stories were triggered by Tiffany’s art. Also I have worked in Marketing most of my professional life. And Marketing is about telling a story. 😉


      4. You are totally right, but still I think that it is a gift to create something and make up a story from. A single word, a design, a sound, whatever it can be your source of inspiration. When I write a press release I take all the material from the reality, the rooms, the restaurant, the spa of the hotel, I think of the pertinent information that could be interesting for a client and put them together. I can only shape form but not reality. You create characters, stories, episodes, plots. It is just like the professional writers, you have another world into your head! ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

      5. When I wrote market research reports it was reality and nothing but. 🙂 It is still a story though. Maybe my brief stint in Advertising helped.
        Fiction, I guess I hear voices. 😉
        (I need to take my meds) 😉
        Take care


      6. Aaaah ah, you made me laugh when you mentioned the medicaments! Luckily you are far away from being the crazy writer but I am sure your internal world is highly populated but this is so good, you will never get bored! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Haha! Actually you’re right. Some of friends who are not retired yet are terrified (What will I do?) and ask me: “You never get bored?”. Nope.
        Ciao ciao


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